115 South Railroad Ave.
New Holland, PA 17557
Phone: (717) 354-4756
1(800) 724-2002
Fax: (717) 354-4758

Monday - Friday
6 A.M. to 4 P.M.
7 A.M. to 11 A.M.
Poultry Products
if there is something specific you are looking for and you don't see it listed please give us a call.
We offer custom mixes with a minimum 1000 lb order

Sensenig's Scratch Feed
100 lb. Bag
Protein 9.5 %, Fat 3%
Grain Mix
Treat for chickens. Contains cracked corn, wheat, oats
Sensenig's Layer Feed
50 lb. Bag or 100 lb. Bag
Protein 17 %, Fat 3%
Available in Crumble, Pellet, or Mash
Free- Choice Feed for laying chickens. No medication.
Sensenig's Pullet builder
100lb. Bag or 50 lb. Bag
Protein 18 %, Fat 4%
Complete feed formulated for growing chickens once they have their feathers. Can also be fed to meat birds up until butchering
50 lb. Bag
Premix for mixing Layer feed.
Poultry Balancer Premix
50 lb. Bag
Premix for mixing chick grower feed or meat bird feed.
ADM Chick starter/grower
5lb. Bag or 50 lb. Bag
Protein 18 %, Fat 3%
Complete feed formulated for starting and growing pullets. Meant to be used from 0-20 weeks of age.
ADM Turkey starter
50 lb. Bag
Protein 26 %, Fat 2%
Complete feed formulated for starting turkeys.
ADM Turkey grower
50 lb. Bag
Protein 17 %, Fat 3%
Complete feed formulated for growing turkeys.

ADM pEN PAL feeds and supplements not listed
may be available upon request